When I put something in my shopping bag am I guaranteed that I will receive the merchandise?

We make every effort to ensure that you have a positive shopping experience with us, but unfortunately items are not guaranteed in stock. You will be notified via email within 3 business days if we are unable to fulfill your order.

Can I ship my order internationally?

Yes, we are pleased to offer international shipping options to our clients on ShopBritto.com. Please note that additional time will be needed to process and ship international orders and that the additional duties and taxes associated with the purchase are the recipient’s responsibility. If a package is not accepted and returned to ShopBritto.com, an e-commerce credit for the amount of the purchase less shipping costs will be issued.

Does ShopBritto.com ship to multiple addresses for the same order?

At this time, we cannot ship to multiple addresses for the same order.

Can I use my gift card online?

We are able to accept gift cards purchased at the Britto Central Gallery on ShopBritto.com. Additionally, any e-gift cards purchased on ShopBritto.com are redeemable at the Britto Central Gallery.

What payment methods does ShopBritto.com accept?

We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover credit cards, PayPal, and Britto Central gift cards.

Can I use more than one form of payment?

You cannot use more than one credit card on a single order.

Will sales tax be applied to my order?

Sales Tax is collected for applicable states.

Is the credit card information I transmit secure?

We utilize a third party, Shopify Payments, to conduct all e-commerce transactions on our behalf. The security of your personal information is important to both of us. Shopify Payments is a PA-DSS compliant service provider and they follow all PCI-DSS requirements and implement additional generally accepted industry standards to protect the personal information submitted to them, both during transmission and once they receive it. No method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage, is 100% secure, however. Therefore, while Shopify strives to use commercially acceptable means to protect your personal information, they cannot guarantee its absolute security.

How do I know that ShopBritto.com received my order?

Once we have received your order, you'll receive a purchase confirmation to the email address provided during the checkout process. Please be aware that while this email confirms the receipt of your order, it does not guarantee the immediate availability of the merchandise. Note: In rare cases even though we have stock, an item may not pass our quality control inspection during the fulfillment process. In such cases, we will contact you to discuss alternative options. This precaution is in place to ensure that the product(s) meets our quality standards. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in these circumstances.

Can I cancel my order?

Should you choose to cancel your order, you must contact Customer Service at orders@britto.com within 24 hours of placing your order.

Can I modify my order?

We cannot offer modifications to orders at this time, but you do have the option to cancel the order and place a new one. Please see above for information on cancelling an order

How long will it take to receive my order?

Order processing will take 2-3 business days. Packages are shipped exclusively via FedEx and transit times are dependent upon the shipping method selected.

How do I track the status of my order?

Once we have shipped your order, you will receive an email update with shipping details and a FedEx tracking number. You may follow the link in the email to check the estimated arrival of your package.

How do I return or exchange my order?

All returns must be made in their original conditions and packaging within 14 days of delivery in order to receive an e-commerce credit or exchange. Refunds are not permitted. Limited editions and sculptures are final sales. All approved exchanges must be returned in unused, original conditions and packaging. You must contact Customer Service at orders@britto.com for an authorization number in order for your return or exchange to be accepted. You will need to detach and fill out the bottom portion of the packing list and clearly mark the shipping box with the authorization number. Please ship to: Britto Central 795 NW 72nd Street Miami, FL 33150. Note that for exchanges only there is a restocking fee of 10% of the merchandise’s retail price.

Can an item bought on ShopBritto.com be returned to/exchanged at the Britto Central Gallery?

At this time, we cannot process e-commerce returns/exchanges in our gallery

What should I do if I receive merchandise that is damaged?

All products are inspected prior to packing and we stand behind our merchandise. Should your items arrive in less than perfect condition, you will need to contact Customer Service at orders@britto.com within 48 or 72 hours of FedEx delivery

How beneficial is creating a customer account on ShopBritto.com?

With your personalized customer account on ShopBritto.com, you have access to an expedited check out process, ability to review your order history, and you’ll receive invitations to exclusive Romero Britto promotional opportunities.

How do I unsubscribe from marketing emails?

You may opt out of all marketing emails by clicking on the unsubscribe button at the bottom of any of these messages sent to you. Please note that we will continue to keep you informed via email regarding the progress of your order.


Britto Central, Inc., does not authenticate works of art or any other type of licensed products. As such, Britto Central, Inc. disclaims any obligations related to the issuance of certificates of authenticity, nor provides assistance in connection with any form of authentication or appraisal requests of any type.